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Somehow, I have more work to do while things are shut down than during the normal course of the week, but I will try to revisit this game and add animations when the chance arises. I am not sure how to balance working from home + schools being out, but this has been a good distraction from events and your comments are much appreciated.

Here is what I have figured out of the mechanics.

You get one point for each orb you pick up, and use up one point to cast a spell.

Mercy counts the number of monsters you chose not to kill

The spells of each character to the best of my knowledge are:

elf: kill monster
red blob: poisonous gas
sprout:  switch characters
blue kirby: paralyze monster a turn
butterfly: pushes monster away
page with 2 eyes:  ?
purple thing: replace self with potted plant
hydra: swap with monster
mr. skipped leg day: monster reverses direction for a turn

The butterfly also heals the character you transform into. The page (?) steals an orb. Not all abilities cost 1 full orb. As you gain mercy abilities, some new things can happen and you become more and more powerful. Mercy let's you explore more stages as well.

Very intriguing game, but there needs to be some reference either in game or on your game page for the behavior of each character. Even P1 select had it's own symbolism for movement behavior.

I managed to figure out a couple of them, but it was a bit too hard to remember them in addition to tactical positioning. Great stuff!

Thanks for the feedback. I will think on it for future versions.